Methodological Approaches

I leverage a broad suite of methodological approaches to tackle pressing conservation challenges, with a particular focus on developing the methods needed to conduct research in under-studied systems and taxa where creative approaches are needed.

Spatial modeling

Understanding how organisms interact with, and are limited by, their environment is a central question of ecology. Correlative species distribution models (SDM) can be used to project the expected past, current, or future geographic distributions of a species based on the environmental conditions where they are known to occur. I am particularly interested in leveraging big data approaches to understand and identify animal migration at the population level given shifts in seasonal distributions.

Stable isotope analysis

Animal tissues reflect the components synthesized during their formation-- put another way, you are what you eat. Analyzing the stable isotope ratios of inert tissues like fur can reveal key insights about the past conditions under which they were synthesized, yielding information about the geographic origin and diet of an animal when the tissue was formed. I leverage stable hydrogen analysis of animal tissues with a particular interest in studying broad-scale migratory strategy, and have developed and validated new techniques to help scale our understanding from individual to population-level movements.

See also:

Campbell, C. J.; Fitzpatrick, M.C.; Vander Zanden, H.; Nelson, D. M. 2020. Advancing interpretation of stable isotope assignment maps: comparing and summarizing origins of known-provenance migratory bats. Animal Migration. [link]

Campbell, C. J.; Nelson, D. M.; Ogawa, N.O.; Chikaraishi, Y.; and Ohkouchi, N. 2017. Trophic position and dietary breadth of bats revealed by nitrogen isotopic composition of amino acids. Scientific Reports 7:15932.

Data Integration

Integrating data across multiple scales and sources allows us to examine ecological hypotheses at the broadest possible spatial and taxonomic scales.

I leverage data integration on a diversity of projects; for example, I have applied a data synthesis approach to integrate stable hydrogen isotope data across varying analytical laboratories and standard reference scales. Keep an eye out for another forthcoming publication where I leverage data synthesis techniques to leverage historical records to explore wildlife disease transmission risks!

Software development

I am passionate about developing open-source software to promote accessible and reproducible science.

SDMetrics: Metric to Compare Temporally-Explicit Species Distribution Models. 2022.

isocat: Isotope Origin Clustering and Assignment Tools. 2018.

phenesse: Estimate Phenological Metrics using Presence-Only Data. 2019.